Famous Games You Shouldn’t Waste Your Time On

Crysis 2

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

Apart from the first part, nothing more or less good came out. The graphics are top-notch, but that’s not enough. The shootouts with aliens in the city are very suffocating. Why is it suffocating? Because it lasts for a very long time and is monotonous.

Sleeping Dogs

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

Apart from the main plot about an undercover cop who fell in love with the criminal world, there is nothing else interesting. A couple of combat mini-games do not make it a replacement before the release of Gta 5.

Just Cause Series

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

Large-scale explosions, stunts, cutting through giant open locations where there is nothing. The visuals are good and the special effects are top-notch, that’s all. The missions are boring and monotonous. The game is designed to reveal the game engine. Having had enough fun for a couple of hours, you delete it forever.

Dead Island

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

It belongs among Ubisoft games.

Spec ops The line

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

I heard so many good things about this game, but when I tried it myself, I realized that most people are sometimes wrong. The game is about nothing. A stuffy monotonous shooter. And the sand that can be thrown on enemies does not make it a game with revolutionary mechanics.


Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

Entertainment for teenagers. Worse than Gta. Only Rockstar can glorify the hooligan life so much. In fact, the open world of the school and small town is boring, and may seem well-developed only at the very beginning of acquaintance with the game

Dying Light

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

“Give and bring” is a game in the Zombie world with an open world and parkour. But it is slightly better than Dead Island because of the change of day and night. The best thing that was in the game is the addition in which we get into some kind of demonic location.

Medal of Honor Series

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

Except for the 2012 game, the other parts are weak. They are inferior not only to COD but also to the battle.

Kane and Lynch Series

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

The first part is more or less tolerable. At least there is a bank robbery, the second is a complete failure. But overall, it is not worth wasting time on both games, they are very weak.

Aliens vs. Predator

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

The company will be able to scare and entice a person. Otherwise, the game is about nothing.

Fear 3

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

A complete failure. Tasteless stuffiness. There is absolutely no horror in it. Everything is bad in it. The second part, which is an average game in itself, is two heads above.

Total War series

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

Boring clashes of tens of thousands of soldiers with each other about nothing. Even Rise of Nations is more interesting in this regard. At least there is the development of civilizations by centuries and construction.

Manhunt series

Famous Games You Shouldn't Waste Your Time On. Part 2

It was said, “A killer simulator” and so on. Hitman is a killer simulator, and this is just a talentless experiment from Rockstar that they forgot to erase.