Gamingsektor team

Gamingsektor has been developing dynamically since 2022, so it is no surprise that many people have visited our editorial doors. Some have come to us literally for a short while, others have been with us for a good few years. Starting with veterans from PSX Extreme, who founded Gamingsektor, and ending with the youngest developer in the team, who joined our ranks in 2024. Currently, the editorial team consists of 2 permanent journalists, specializing in games, technology, as well as a network of collaborators who prepare, among others, reviews, tests and journalistic materials. This site is a clean start from scratch and there are many adventures and good reads awaiting for you guys.

Marek: Founded Gamingsektor in 2022. A huge fan of video games and Formula 1, he sometimes reaches for a TV series. He loves games that put the greatest emphasis on an emotional, plot-packed storyline and believes that Mass Effect is the best trilogy ever made. He is mainly responsible for testing equipment and the technical department. He loves RPGs, strategies and racing genres. Addicted to reading news and watching conferences every day.

Piotrowski: A veteran of the old school of gaming, a self-taught enthusiast, a retro enthusiast. Passionate about strength sports, 80s horror, video game culture. He started writing at a young age, as soon as he managed to survive until the end credits of Resident Evil 2. On Gamingsektor he provides weekend reading, sometimes writes a review, and recently has developed a taste for guides. He likes to surprise.